Airport - Travel to and From Airport

Use the form below to submit a reservation request for travel to and returning from airport.
This is for two-way limousine service (i.e. you need a trip from home to airport and back home after your return flight.)
NOTE: All items marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

First Last

How many passengers?

Trip TO Airport

Trip home FROM Airport

A credit card is required to hold your reservation:

LBS is charged 4.7% on cash back credit cards. Starting September 01, 2021 there will be a surcharge of 3.5% on credit cards.
*No charge for debit cards. You may also pay with Zelle or Cash APP free of charge.

Both Zelle and Cash APP have been thoroughly vetted and are safe to use:

Please ONLY press SUBMIT button ONE TIME.
It can take a couple of minutes to submit.

Submitting ...

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